creating Winnipeg news, sports and entertainment coverage

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    Social media love
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    We'll give you a shoutout on Twitter to our 24,000+ followers and drop in a link to your website if you're a brand or creator. You can also choose to remain anonymous if that's your thing. No pressure.
    Limited edition 'D' T-shirt
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    We'll send you this limited edition 'D' logo T-shirt (model not included) + social media love. Note: We will email you to confirm your shirt size after your pledge.
    Super comfy toque
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    We'll send you a toque to keep your head cozy throughout Winnipeg's bone-chilling winter. Plus, you'll get a social media shoutout!
    Shape the future of local news
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    Direct access and input to shape the future of and how we cover Winnipeg news. Take exclusive polls, test new website features before we launch them to the public and have a say in where we go from here.

    • Pledge includes the perks of all lower tiers.
    Gold level patron
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    A special place in our hearts (and on our website). We'll add your name to a dedicated Patrons page on, thanking you for your support and providing a link to your personal or company website.

    • Pledge includes the perks of all lower tiers.
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